This program is lottery-based and allows the USA to increase the diversity of the immigrants coming to live in the United States.
Each year, the Diversity Visa program opens between October to November. The program randomly selects a limited number of people from qualified countries for this program and allows the candidates who are selected randomly by computer to obtain permanent residency – a green card.
To enter the Diversity Visa lottery – the green card lottery involves completing a simple form online, and it doesn’t cost. You can enter the lottery every year from early October through early November. This program also allows the selected candidates’ immediate families to receive greed cards.
Am I eligible to apply for the green card lottery?
Who is eligible for the Diversity Visa?
To qualify for this program the candidates must meet certain requirements such as the country of birth, education in addition to general requirements as other green card applicants such as admissibility issues.
Country of birth
To qualify for the Diversity Visa, you must have been born in a country that sent less than 50,000 immigrants to the USA over the past 5 years.
If your country is not eligible, there are two ways which could qualify you for the Diversity Visa:
- If your spouse was born in an eligible country, then your spouse can apply and you will be your spouse immediate family and choose your spouse’s birth country on the application; or
- If in your own country of birth neither of your parents were legal resident then can choose your mother or father’s country of birth.
To qualify for the Diversity Visa program you must have at least a high school degree, or at least two years of work experience within the past five years in a profession that requires at least two years of training, as determined by the US Department of Labor.
How to Apply for Lottery Green Card program – USA
Enter the Lottery Green card USA:
You fill out a form on the State Department’s website during the time the program opens and the program usually opens between October to early November. Most of the questions are straight forward and also you will need to upload a photo with certain specifications.
After you submit your application, you must keep your confirmation number. You need this number to find out if you have been selected for the USA Green Card lottery program. way to know if you’ve been selected.
The program is free and no application fee is required.