How to apply for a family-based permanent residence Green Card USA: If you want to sponsor your spouse or a qualified family member who is residing outside of Canada then you may petition for them. You are called petitioner / Sponsor and your qualified family member is called a beneficiary. We have been meeting many clients who are about to sponsor their spouse or their qualified family members to the USA. We decided to post a summary of steps that you can take to sponsor your spouse.
Initial submission of I-130 Petition to USCIS for processing
STEP 1- Complete and submit form I-130:
I-130 is the first step in helping your spouse to apply to immigrate to the United States and get a family-based permanent residence Green Card USA.
After you complete your I-130 form and gather all of your documents then you will submit them online or send your petition to US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). If your petition is not complete then USCIS may refuse your petition or request further evidence.
Once I-130 is approved the file then USCIS EITHER forwarded the file to the Department of State / National Visa Center for Immigrant Visa Consular Processing Abroad OR it remains with the USCIS if an application for Adjustment of Status was concurrently submitted for processing within the USA |
Approval will cause the National Visa Center to inform the Consulate of the file and send Packet 3 to you for completion: Online payment of visa fees requests for biographic information, police certificates and other original supporting evidence; and Affidavit of Support – evidence that you can support yourself in U.S. (Tax / Wages info) |
Packet 4 issued from the consulate includes the interview date and encloses medical examination instructions. |
The beneficiary of the Immigrant Visa attends the Interview in Montreal and after the Immigrant visa issuance and return of passport with documents to present to CBP |
Payment of Immigrant Fee to USCIS (new fee for green card production) Admission to the US with Immigrant Visa – Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR) status obtained upon admission and Green Card will arrive by mail a few weeks later. |
To avoid delay contact to speak to USA Vancouver Immigration lawyer